Saturday, July 9, 2016

How to Lose Weight by Eating Healthy—for Just $3 a Day & 4 Guidelines for a Healthy Budget and Healthy Lifestyle

To stay on budget, Bonica used a spreadsheet to keep track of the price per ounce of all his purchases, from brown rice ($0.0347/ounce) to bananas ($0.03/ounce); this made tallying up his daily spending easier. It might take a few days to get a hang of knowing what $3 worth of food looks like, but the proof is in the pudding. "It forced me to keep track of everything," says Bonica. "I became dramatically more conscious of what I was consuming."
When it comes down to it, the preparation and attention it takes to adhere to a strict budget might be all you need to lose weight—so long as you stick to some basic healthy guidelines in the process, like watching your calorie and fat intakes. After that, it's all about creativity, a little DIY, and some serious attention to detail at the grocery store. Of course, what sounds simple is a lot harder in practice—Bonica says it was not an easy month—but consider giving it a try. It could leave your wallet heavier and you lighter. 

4 Guidelines for a Healthy Budget and Healthy Lifestyle

1. Think First, Pay Later
"One of the mistakes people make is thinking, If I buy this, then I will use it," says Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project. "You have to realize that buying something is not the same thing as using it." Instead, she says, be sure your purchases reflect your values or your past healthy behavior. If you love a head-clearing run, signing up for indoor surfing classes might not be for you (even though it's super-trendy right now). Or if you eat tons of veggies but never cook at home, consider whether you'll really benefit from that produce-delivery service.
2. Deploy Your Friends Effectively
Whether you invite a friend to join you on morning runs or in a "bringlunch to work" endeavor, the result is the same: There is a person waiting for you to show up. You either make good on the commitment or let them down. "You can't underestimate the value of social interaction when it comes to getting the most out of your health-care dollars," says Ryan Howell, an associate professor of psychology at San Francisco State University. That social pressure means you'll fit in a workout or make your own lunch, no matter how much you're dragging—which keeps the cost of the gym or groceries from going to waste.
3. Try Before You Buy
Test workouts before loading your credit card with monthly fitnesspasses. One free option is YouTube, which is chock-full of exercise classes, both full-length and teaser versions. Want to check out one of those cardio-ballet classes everyone is talking about? Do it online and save $35. Too embarrassed to bring your two left feet into Zumba? Give it a try at home first. For more high-quality versions, you can purchase a DVDworkout for less than $20. (You can also borrow from the library for free!)
4. Log It
Keeping a journal of your progress is a way to stay on track with fitness or diet regimens, but it also helps you save money. You'll be able to see where your cash was put to the best use. You'll easily pinpoint the value of that monthly yoga pass, for example: If you dropped $150 on it but went to only four classes, you should pay the $15 drop-in fee instead. Or if you find that you ate only one of the Greek yogurts in the 12-pack you bought, maybe it's time to find a new (and possibly cheaper) snack. Make tracking simple with an app like

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